Karma: Who is responsible for our destiny?

Many or most of us believe that our fates are written by God, (or) that the fates are written before and that there is no way of overcoming the written fate. But the first lesson we learn on a religious prospect is that we are the children of God. And if that were true, then the fates written for each and every one of us would be equal and fair. But today, we understand that the lives of people and destinies of each person are neither equal nor perfect. So, who is responsible for our destinies? We are. 

Karma is a concept that also revolves around understanding fate. We assume that only our actions are karma, when every thought you think and every word uttered are also laid a foundation for karma. As is my karma, so is my destiny. This is the law that decides the fate of every person. Understanding karma may help understand that each action, word and thought has a consequence and help us take action to make ourselves better. 

How does Karma work?

Our universe set out different laws to help us understand it better. One of them being the law of attraction. This law states that, whatever you give, you receive. Karma works on the same base as the law. Our every action leaves traces of energy, be it positive or negative. And the universe reflects this energy back on us, in the same way, be it positive or negative. 

The most simple way of understanding how karma works is to compare the universe into a giant mirror and see that we are facing it. It reflects whatever we do. So what thoughts we have, what words we speak and what actions face are all reflected back to us, in the same way. But these consequences may be direct or indirect. 

Karma may sound supernatural but is a work of simple law. Whatever we give out is what we receive. 

Fate and karma

Fate and karma do not mean the same thing. Fate is determined by the karma accumulated by you. And karma is the consequence of actions you have made. Thus, the fundamental assumption of karma is that one reaps what one sows in the sense that every thought, word, or deed done in a person’s lifetime has repercussions in that individual’s existence. The purpose of Karma is to teach to sever the law of consequence, not initial thought but our current situation is a consequence of previous actions, it also states that the consequences of the present action will be the cause of future condition. It also provides standards of right or wrong to mould people to live, right and proper lives which adds something positive to the self as well as to the society.

How karma affects daily life

The main concept of karma is to cause a positive action that leads to a positive reaction, and a negative action means a negative outcome. The causal connection between these two is the determining factor of an individual’s health status, physically, emotionally and spiritually on a day to day basis.

Praying to God, partaking in exercise, getting the needed amount of sleep, and avoiding stress all are positive things that can improve the overall health of an individual. On the other hand, negative actions including actions that have detrimental effects such as lack of exercise or failure to attend to one’s health needs, harbouring negative feelings or emotions, or performing acts that are sinful or reprehensible can lead to illness or stress.

Each act of kindness, telling the truth, helping others, improves the quality of our relationships because we trust each other. Receiving negative feedback or cautions such as being untruthful, unmindful, or becoming forceful are destructive to relationships and hence results in antagonism followed by exclusion.

Ethic, earnestness and build up based positive attitude can bring forth dreams and success in the line of business. On the other hand, cheating, acts of procrastination, and an overall negativity is destructive and results in failure.

Constructive activities like expressing thankfulness, concentrating, and making an effort to help other people form the foundation for a calm and happy individual. Selfish behaviours such as holding grudges for a long term, entertaining negative thoughts, and acting unethically not only make the mind turbulent but also lead one to feel dissatisfied.