Kundalini awakening constitutes one of the greatest spiritual phenomena where there is a ‘’serpent power’ or a dormant energy at the base of the spine. There is energy referred to as Kundalini. It looks like a coiled serpent and it is said that it has the potential of creating infinite power which has the ability of changing consciousness. When awakened, the Kundalini energy ascends through the spinal cord stimulating the different Chakras or vortices and results in higher consciousness and divine awakening. It is a technique derived from the centuries’ old Indian spirituality that could provide a way for tapping one’s personal energy or soul force and ascend to the sphere of spiritual states.

Understanding Kundalini Energy

Kundalini energy is believed to be a dormant sacred power which is positioned in the lowest chakra known as the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spinal column in man’s body. This force is said to be a latent energy which lies dormant but can be stirred up and rise to the Sushumna nadi and then open up the seven major chakras on the spine. The process of awakening kundalini aims at opening the final energy centre located at the top of the head that is called Sahasrara chakra, which in turn results in a divinisation of an individual or spiritual enlightenment, known as samadhi.

From this we realize that Kundalini awakening is not a mere sensation but a powerful change of the being’s awareness. This they claim has the power of provoking the innermost part, making one have a clear vision, and oneness with the universe.

How to awaken Kundalini

Kundalini awakening is a complex and strong procedure that have to be managed carefully, without disrespecting the forces that are being unleashed.

Pranayama (Breath Control)

Practice: To this end, the easiest and one of the most efficient ways of mastering Kundalini energy is by Pranayama – the science of breath control. Pranayama techniques such as Kapalbhati, which translates to skull-shining breath and Bhastrika, the bellows breath, for instance, entail a forceful ‘high-speed’ breathing that clears the nadis—the energy channels—and Awakens Kundalini energy.

Benefits: Pranayama helps in bringing more awareness to the directions of the pranic currents and accordingly rectifies the malfunction in prana Vyashti and pranavayus, helps in making the mind and body ready to experience the Awakening of Kundalini.


Practice: Meditation is very important for Kundalini awakening and should be practiced on a daily basis or at least at any given day with emphasis being placed on the chakras. Some forms of meditation are the Chakra meditation where one focuses and visualizes every Chakra beginning with the root chakra. Mantras including ‘Om’ can be vocalized so as to produce sounds that are in harmony with the chakra’s energy.

Benefits: Meditation makes the mind to be steady and focused, and allows the practitioner to open up his/her inner energies for awakening of Kundalini safely.

Asanas (Yoga Postures)

Practice: Some of the yoga processes aim at placing the backbone at correct angles and relaxing the energy pathways where Kundi energy is free to circulate. The popular asanas like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) , Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) and Padmasana (Lotus Pose) perform on the spine to switch on the chakras.

Benefits: These postures also help in the improvement of the flexibility, nervous system and the physical body to be in a condition to contain the Kundalini energy.

Mantra Chanting

Practice: There is a notion that chanting particular phrases has an ability to activate the latent forces and the concentration. Among them, ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is especially helpful for those, who desire Kundalini awakening, as it attracts the energy of Lord Shiva, the deity of transformation and destruction of darkness.

Benefits: Repetition of mantras is used to cleanse the mind, attune physical body to higher energies and helps in the slow process of awakening of the Kundalini.

Shaktipat (Direct Energy Transmission)

Practice: Shaktipat is one of the traditional ways of invoking kundalini and it involves the teacher directly transferring energy to the learner. It can be face to face touch, glance or even at an arm’s length.

Benefits:The direct initiation in Shaktipat can evoke Kundalini awakening immediately if the student is ready to accept it. Many people believe that is a strong and spiritual activity.

Signs of Kundalini Awakening

When Kundalini starts pracising, it performs several physical symptoms, emotional symptoms, and spiritual symptoms. Some common experiences include:

Physical Sensations: Sensations like tingling, heat or vibration along the spinal chord, sensations of energy waves running through the body or involuntary movements within the body referred to as kriyas.

Emotional Changes: Arousal, sexual activity, drug usage, devilish spirits, extremes of happiness, uncontrolled sublimated emotions.

Spiritual Experiences: Bigger intuition, feeling like one part of the whole universe, more awareness, or deeper understanding of life.

This means that it is normal to feel overwhelmed when going through Kundalini awakening and it is vital to know this. For this reason, it’s recommended to tread this practice with caution especially when practicing the technique on your own without the company of a knowledgeable teacher.

Kundalini awakening is a strong spiritual experience that helps one to successfully transform one’s self and attain one’s full potential. The practice of Pranayama, meditation and yoga can be ways through which an individual can easily arouse this energy and indeed use it to advance in the spiritual path and achieve a higher degree of self realization. Nonetheless, Kundalini awakening needs to be respected, well-planned and planned in a proper manner and it needs not to be rushed in order to obtain safe and positive results for spiritual transformation.