Many people are curious about whether Arvind Kejriwal will get bail or not. To explore this, we can delve into astrological predictions based on his birth chart and the current planetary positions.

Prediction by Pt Gayatri Devi: Will Arvind Kejriwal Get Bail?

Arvind Kejriwal’s Birth Chart Analysis

Arvind Kejriwal was born on August 16, 1968, in Hisar, Haryana. His birth chart shows significant astrological features that can help predict his future. He has Leo as his ascendant sign, which makes him a natural leader, confident, and charismatic. The Sun, being the ruler of Leo, is placed in Cancer, indicating a strong emotional foundation and a deep sense of public service.

Key Astrological Elements

  1. Ascendant (Lagna) – Leo:
    • Represents self-expression, leadership qualities, and public image.
    • Indicates a strong-willed personality with the ability to influence masses.
  2. Sun in Cancer (12th House):
    • Represents the self, ego, and soul purpose.
    • Placement in the 12th house indicates challenges, hidden enemies, and legal issues.
  3. Moon in Taurus (10th House):
    • Represents the mind, emotions, and public image.
    • Placement in the 10th house signifies a strong emotional connection with the public and a stable career.
  4. Mars in Virgo (2nd House):
    • Represents courage, aggression, and legal battles.
    • Placement in the 2nd house indicates conflicts related to wealth and family but also shows strong determination.

Arvind Kejriwal’s Current Planetary Transits

To make accurate predictions, it’s crucial to consider the current planetary transits and their impact on Kejriwal’s birth chart. As of June 2024, several key transits are influencing his chart:

  1. Saturn Transit in Aquarius (7th House):
    • Represents legal matters, partnerships, and public image.
    • Saturn’s presence in the 7th house indicates significant legal challenges and the need for perseverance.
  2. Jupiter Transit in Pisces (8th House):
    • Represents expansion, growth, and fortune.
    • Jupiter in the 8th house signifies transformation, hidden resources, and support from unexpected quarters.
  3. Rahu Transit in Aries (9th House):
    • Represents ambition, innovation, and unexpected changes.
    • Rahu in the 9th house indicates legal battles related to higher principles, beliefs, and long-distance travel.

Arvind Kejriwal’s Strengths in the Chart

  1. Jupiter’s Blessing:
    • Jupiter, the planet of justice and wisdom, is transiting through Kejriwal’s 8th house, which is favorable for legal matters. It indicates that hidden resources and support from unexpected places may come to his aid.
  2. Mars’ Determination:
    • Mars in Virgo in the 2nd house signifies strong determination and courage to fight legal battles. This placement gives Kejriwal the strength to tackle his challenges head-on.
  3. Moon’s Stability:
    • The Moon in the 10th house provides emotional stability and a strong public image. This placement suggests that despite legal challenges, his public support remains strong.

Arvind Kejriwal’s Challenges in the Chart

  1. Saturn’s Obstacles:
    • Saturn in the 7th house can bring delays and obstacles in legal matters. It indicates that Kejriwal may face significant challenges and need to exercise patience and perseverance.
  2. Rahu’s Uncertainty:
    • Rahu in the 9th house can bring unexpected changes and challenges related to legal principles and higher beliefs. This placement suggests that the legal battle may be unpredictable and involve sudden twists.

Based on the analysis of Arvind Kejriwal’s birth chart and the current planetary transits, it is clear that he is facing significant legal challenges. However, the presence of Jupiter in the 8th house and Mars in the 2nd house provides him with strong support and determination to overcome these obstacles.

While Saturn’s presence in the 7th house indicates delays and challenges, it also suggests that perseverance and patience are essential. Rahu’s influence in the 9th house adds an element of unpredictability to the situation.

Considering all these factors, it is likely that Arvind Kejriwal will eventually get bail, but it may involve a prolonged legal battle with several ups and downs. His strong public support and emotional stability, as indicated by the Moon in the 10th house, will play a crucial role in navigating through these challenges.

The Role of Dasha and Antardasha

In Vedic astrology, the timing of events is often determined by the Dasha (planetary period) and Antardasha (sub-period) of planets. Currently, Kejriwal is running the Mahadasha of Rahu and the Antardasha of Jupiter.

Rahu Mahadasha

  • Rahu’s Mahadasha, which lasts for 18 years, can bring significant changes and challenges. It often involves a period of growth through unconventional means and unexpected events.
  • During Rahu’s period, individuals may face legal challenges, controversies, and public scrutiny. However, it can also bring innovative solutions and breakthroughs.

Jupiter Antardasha

  • The Antardasha of Jupiter within Rahu’s Mahadasha indicates a period of wisdom, support, and justice. Jupiter’s influence can help mitigate some of the challenges posed by Rahu.
  • This period is favorable for legal matters and can bring positive outcomes through the support of higher authorities and hidden resources.

Timing of Events

Based on the Dasha and Antardasha, the period from June 2024 onwards is crucial for Kejriwal. Jupiter’s influence during this time can bring favorable developments in his legal battles, potentially leading to bail. However, the overall Rahu Mahadasha suggests that the process may be fraught with challenges and unexpected twists.

The Influence of Nakshatras

Nakshatras, or lunar mansions, also play a significant role in Vedic astrology. Kejriwal’s Moon is placed in Rohini Nakshatra, which is ruled by the Moon itself.

Rohini Nakshatra

  • Rohini Nakshatra is known for its creativity, determination, and ability to overcome obstacles. Individuals with the Moon in Rohini are often emotionally resilient and have a strong connection with the public.
  • This Nakshatra also indicates a capacity for enduring challenges and emerging stronger. Kejriwal’s connection with the public and his emotional resilience will be crucial in navigating his legal challenges.