As the temperature rises, it’s natural for everybody to experience some bodily changes. For instance, people usually face acne, rashes, dehydration, upset stomach, excessive sweating, and much more during the summers. According to the experts, summer is a vata-pitta season, the two are particularly the doshas associated with the season. It is characterised by intense heat as a consequence of which the above issues are faced.  

As we cannot eliminate these issues, we can take some alternatives to improve the balance of the body. Following ayurvedic remedies or rituals can help us tolerate higher temperatures effectively and face fewer problems. It will also keep our bodies cooler than before.  

Understanding Vata-Pitta Dosha 

If you want to understand Ayurveda, the concept of dosha is fundamental to understand. There are three primary doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These are generally the bioenergetic forces responsible for maintaining the physiological as well as psychological functions of the body. Doshas are held as the governing guides of the constitution (or Prakriti) of an individual. 

You may have seen some people who are more prone to diseases and infections than others. Slight changes in the atmosphere tend to disturb their body functions and they soon fall sick as compared to others around them. This happens because of the combinations of the doshas that make up a person’s body. Therefore, doshas influence the health and personality of a human. 

Understanding this concept also involves identifying the characteristics of these doshas and taking precautions before they adversely affect them. As soon as the temperature rises,  start taking cooling drinks and foods in diets. It will eventually help you survive through the scorching heat.

Cooling Foods & Beverages 

Keep yourself hydrated 

  • Have coconut water daily in the summer. The natural electrolytes in it keep you hydrated and balance Pitta too. You’ll feel more energetic and fresh throughout the day. 
  • Instead of taking caffeinated drinks, drink herbal teas made with fennel, mint, coriander, lemon, etc. 
  • The best alternative drink for summer is aloe vera juice. Just 1-2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice can do wonders that no other food item can. It will keep you hydrated in the summer and depreciate other health issues. 

Favour Cool and Fresh foods 

  • Avoid spicy foods, especially during summer, and switch to foods with cooling properties like fruits and vegetables. 
  • Fleshy and watery fruits like watermelon, cucumber, melons, pineapple, etc., and green vegetables like leafy veggies, zucchinis, and asparagus are high in water content. Have these foods to balance the body’s doshas and manage summers effectively. 
  • Dairy products like milk and ghee are highly cooling foods. Moreover, buttermilk also helps to manage doshas.        

Spices and Herbs 

The food we cook at home usually contains hot spices. Additionally, ordered foods contain even more of such spices. Use cooling spices and herbs to incorporate a cooling effect in these foods. For instance, coriander leaves or seeds, fennel, saffron, and turmeric in moderation will lower the heat content of the cooked foods. 

Lifestyle practises 

Ayurvedic rituals cannot be completed without changing some lifestyle practices. While you can transform your diet easily, it’s even more essential to switch to healthier daily routines. Here is what you can do to change your lifestyle:  

Dincharya (Daily Routine) 

  • Follow a more scheduled daily morning and evening routine. Having a fixed dincharya can help you stay focused and productive all day. 
  • In addition to this, it will also keep your body chakras aligned and keep your body active. 
  • For this purpose, you can follow meditation and yoga asanas and take evening or early morning walks daily.

Use massage oils

Use essential oils like sandalwood, rose, and jasmine in diffusers or as part of a cooling massage. These oils if used on the scalp can help fix hair issues like dandruff, hairfall, etc. too.  

Digestive Health 

  1. Pitta-Pacifying Diet
  • Avoid heavy, greasy foods and instead opt for smaller, easily digestible meals.
  • Include bitter gourds, leafy greens, and legumes to balance Pitta.
  1. Herbal Supplements
  • Get used to Triphala. This blend of three fruits can help regulate digestion and detoxify the system.
  • Rich in Vitamin C, amla is cooling and boosts immunity.

Ayurveda’s holistic approach to summer health focuses on balancing the Vata-Pitta dosha through cooling foods, lifestyle adjustments, and natural remedies. By aligning our habits with the principles of Ayurveda, we can not only beat the heat but also enhance our overall well-being. Embrace these Ayurvedic practices this summer to stay cool, calm, and healthy.